Top superfoods you should include in your diet

Top superfoods you should include in your diet Thrive Health & Nutrition Magazine

We step back in time and see which ‘superfoods’ our ancestors were using way back when and to see if we can share their knowledge going forward…

Grown in Peru, lacuma is a sweet, fruity subtropical fruit which has a sweet flavour, but is low on the glycemic scale, so it is perfect for anyone looking to decrease their sugar consumption. Lacuma is high in fiber, contains iron, beta-carotene, and zinc. It’s bright yellow-orange hued flesh is packed with beta-carotene, a powerful anti-carcinogenic compound, meaning it could help to fight and prevent disease, and slow the aging process. The fruit is used as a natural healing medicine in South America, due to its antibiotic, antimicrobial and antifungal properties.

Lychees contain an amazing amount of vitamin C – 119% per 100-gram serving. They are also rich in copper and phosphorus. What makes them unique is that they contain the polyphenol oligonol that has antioxidant and antiviral properties. originally grown in China, and once considered a great delicacy of the Imperial Court. Lychees are now grown in Southeast Asia, China, India, and parts of Southern Africa.

You may not think of cherries as a superfood, but they most certainly are. Cherries contain powerful antioxidants – anthocyanins and cyanidin, both of which have been shown in studies to maybe have health promoting properties including anticarcinogenic activity, vasoprotective, anti-inflammatory, anti-obesity and anti-diabetes effects. Cherries also help to promote healthy sleep as they contain natural melatonin, which plays a vital role in sleep and bodily regeneration.

Avocado Oil
Avocado oil is a cholesterol-lowering food because it’s high in monoun-saturated oleic acid content, making it a beneficial choice when it comes to the heart. With their high levels of antioxidants too (polyphenols, proanthocyanidins, tocopherols, and carotenoids), avocados deserve to be celebrated and definitely should be included in your daily diet.Research shows that avocado oil has all of the nutritional health benefits of the fruit itself.

These small dark berries grow in the hills of Chile and are packed with health benefits. Maqui berries are filled with antioxidants, which help to slow down premature aging by fighting free radicals present in the body. Maqui berries are also known to possess anti diabetic properties. Studies have shown that maqui berry is helpful in improving the balance of glucose in the blood. They’re also know for boosting your metabolism and may help to kick start digestion. An all round super food!

Please note, all information about herbs included on these pages are purely for information only, it does not constitute advice or recommendations. Please always check with your GP before trying any new herbal remedy or food. See online feature for full article references.

Autumn issue of Thrive Magazine is OUT NOW
If you’re looking for some health ideas and recipes to kick-start your health routine, grab our Autumn Issue. At Thrive we only bring you reliable and trustworthy content, covering health, nutrition, and wellness.

Top superfoods you should include in your diet Thrive Health & Nutrition Magazine

Inside this Autumn issue:

• The Brain Food Diet – foods to nourish your grey matter
• Why we’re lacking in Vitamin B12 and what does it mean
• How to eat for your specific body type
• The power of kombucha
• Different sugars and the effect they have on the body
• How Important is calcium in our diets
• Food stories with CNM – natural therapies restored my health
• The science behind our food cravings
• Yoga and nutrition – the perfect pairing
• Trusted information from industry experts on all aspects of Health, Nutrition, Fitness, Mindset…

Recipes including: Late Autumn Gazpacho / Warming Baked Squash / Avocado Sushi Mango Makis / Kale, Banana and Ginger Smoothie Bowl / Lemon and Poppy Seed Cake / Cranberry and Pumkin Seed Flapjacks

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