Centauri Honey – the world’s most expensive brand of sought-after honey

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An exclusive brand of honey cultivated high up in the hills of turkey and produced by a colony of bees that are given access to medicinal endemic herbs – to boost phenol, flavonoid and antioxidant levels.

Creator Ahmet Eren Cakir, a 44-year old Turkish citizen, entrepreneur and researcher produces this extraordinary honey high in the hills above the clouds in the Black Sea region of Turkey, at an altitude of 2,500 metres above sea level.

The honey has strong medicinal properties and is sought after by many, including keen customers from London to L.A. and Milan to Japan, CEOs, celebrities, politicians and doctors alike. It’s not surprising that this honey is so in demand, especially when consumers reportedly feel the amazing positive benefits in health and wellbeing.

Ethical production matters

The method of production is key to brand owners Ahmet Eren Cakir, the honey is carefully cultivated and harvested at an altitude of 2,500 metres above sea level.

The bee colony is kept away from human residences or any other bee colony to ensure that it remains free from the varroa mite – which most honey-bee colonies suffer with. Once more, only natural plants and herbs are used as a deterrent for keeping mites at bay. No chemicals or pesticides are used at all. The colony of bees have year-round access to endemic herbs and plants to nourish on, which could help to fight various diseases. Plus, the honey is harvested late in the season – mid-November, to allow the bees a full season of natural production.

The honey is also put through thorough testing before being ready to order, with each bottle heading straight for the Turkish Scientific Council for an analysis report before being shipped to waiting customers.

Centauri Honey - the world's most expensive brand of sought-after honey Thrive Health & Nutrition Magazine

Ahmet produces Centauri honey in the hills of Turkey – with customers such as Doctors, Celebrities and health experts in Paris, London, Tokyo, Milan.

Healthy honey for healthy living

With all of the careful production techniques and natural cultivation, this exclusive and high-end honey has many proven health benefits. Producer Ahmet said: “Since Centauri Honey has the high phenol levels, flavonoid levels, antioxidant levels, which fight diseases and since I use special endemic herbs, Centauri Honey has amazing effects on general health and ageing as well as preventative properties”.

Honey has been long known to be beneficial when it comes to health and wellbeing* with it being used by ancient Greeks, Chinese and Egyptians consuming honey for both nutritional and medicinal properties. The ancient Egyptians not only made offerings of honey to their gods, they also used it as an embalming fluid and a dressing for wounds too and this carries over to this modern day with honey and especially manuka honey being used in medicinal settings.

Today, many people swarm to honey for its antioxidant, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. Holistic practitioners consider it one of nature’s best all-around remedies.

The power of antioxidants

Honey has long been researched for its antioxidant properties – the  antioxidant properties of honey are related to the brightness of the honey;  the darker honey has higher value of antioxidant. It has been showed that the phenolic compounds are the major responsible factor for antioxidant activity of honey, since the phenolic level is related to radical absorbance activity values of honey.*

Antioxidants reduce oxidative stress in the body by mopping up free radicals. Scientists have linked oxidative stress to a range of chronic health conditions. By eating an antioxidant-rich diet, people could reduce their risk of chronic disease.**

Research has shown that taking a study of participants that consumed 4 tablespoons of honey high in polyphenols for 29 days, resulted in a higher level of antioxidants recorded in their blood. Researchers at Heidrun Gross of the University of California discovered that antioxidants are thought to protect humans from disease, by slowing potentially dangerous disease processes in the body, by mopping up free radicals – unstable compounds that can damage healthy cells and compromise cellular function.

High in polyphenols

Centauri honey is rich and natural, it has one the highest percentage of polyphenols at 77.65mg. The beneficial effect of honey on human health derives mainly from its content in phenolic compounds. Polyphenols are one of the most important groups of compounds occurring in plants. They are associated with many health benefits. Centauri honey is also rich in salicylic acid –  which is  a beta hydroxy acid well-known for reducing acne and improving skin condition. Used often to exfoliate the skin and keep pores clear. ***

Centauri Honey - the world's most expensive brand of sought-after honey Thrive Health & Nutrition Magazine

Centauri cave honey – extracted from 2500 meters shown to have anti-aging properties.

A secret method of production

When producing the sought-after Centauri honey Ahmet has a secret a secret system that is used to extend the high standard of the honey, however very few people are privilege to this method. Centauri honey also receives rigorous lab testing, with every bottle heading straight for the Turkish Scientific Council for an evaluation report. Once tested and verified in the lab each pot of honey is sent to customers who have pre-ordered and are patiently awaiting their minimum 1kg order.

For more information about this exclusive and sought-after honey visit:

Instagram: centaurihoneybyahmeterencakir
Email: centaurihoney@hotmail.com
Facebook: facebook.com/centaurihoney/
Telephone : +905306513799

** https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/324997#antioxidants
*** https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6225430/