Spicy Cauliflower with Cashew Cream Sauce

Spicy Cauliflower with Cashew Cream Sauce

Spicy Cauliflower with Cashew Cream Sauce

Made with fresh ginger, garlic and green chillies

(Serves 2-3)

Prep time: 10 mins.

Cooking time: 20 mins


1 head of cauliflower, cut into florets

1 onion

1 tomato

a half thumb-sized piece of ginger

4 garlic cloves

2 green chillies

1/4 cup cashews soaked in boiling water for 10 min

4 tbsp of greek yoghurt (whip it)

1 tbsp garam masala

Few coriander leaves

Ground cardamon

Ground ginger

Salt and pepper

How to make it…

1. Into a food processor, add the onion, garlic, ginger, green chillies, soaked cashews, and the seasonings (garam masala, ground ginger, ground cardamon, salt and pepper) process until it creates a pureed creamy texture.

2. Steam the cauliflower for 10mins and set aside.

3. Add the processed cream mix to a pan or skillet, let the gravy cook well for about 5-10 mins.

4. Add greek yoghurt to the pan, plus the chopped coriander leaves and keep cooking for another 2-3 mins. Taste test and see if it needs any more seasonings.

5. Add the steamed cauliflower to the cream and mix well.

6. Top with sprinkled turmeric, chilli flakes and freshly chopped coriander.

To Serve

1/2 tsp turmeric

1/2 tbsp chilli flakes

Delicious served on it’s own for lunch or served on a toasted flatbread with fresh salad. Keep the extra cashew cream in the fridge – it’s ideal to use on any stir fry veggies the next day.

Recipe from Nisha at: www.healthysutra.co.uk

Packed with turmeric and ginger, both of these roots are known to have anti-inflammatory properties. Both are also excellent sources of antioxidant compounds.

Cauliflower is abundant in vitamin K, which is required for both bone-mineral density and blood clotting. It’s also high in vitamin C too!

Featured in Thrive Magazine Winter 2020 issue >>