Ways to become more focused


Are you one of those people who has been excited by the arrival of British Summer Time? It’s surprising how much more we decide we can squeeze into a day with more daylight hours.

It’s easy to think about all the extra things we could do. I’m wondering you how you will use that time to create space? Space to think. Space to be. Space to be you.

Sometimes the only way to speed up, and achieve even more, really is to slow down. In slowing down, we create space to tune in to who we really are and what we want our life to really be about. We only have one, very precious, life – why would we not want it to be amazing?

“I often ask people what would be possible if they were living their most amazing life and, as you might imagine, that means something very different to each individual”.

However, in my experience, most of us have one thing in common. The thing that holds us back. Fear. Fear of judgement; of failure or success; of the past or the future.


So what if you were to choose a completely different way to think about fear? What would be possible for you if you were more:

  • Focused: Are you living “on purpose”? Being clear of your purpose helps you to set direction. Knowing why you are here and what you want to create in your life is a great first step to finding your motivation and focus. It also helps us to enjoy the journey.
  • Empathetic: How great are your relationships – with yourself and with others? Empathy involves not only understanding the people around you, but being able to step into their world to understand what is going on for them. Being able to do this is great for resolving conflict!
  • Authentic: When did you last choose to be you? For some people this means changing things to become who you want to be, for others this means un-becoming everything that isn’t really you so you can be who you were meant to be in the first place.
  • Resilient: How flexible are you in times of adversity? People often talk about being strong like a tree…. But trees break too. What if you were to be like bamboo instead – flexible yet firmly rooted. Resistance adds stress in life – resilience adds flow.

“I’ve noticed adopting this way of thinking helps to move people from fear-full to fearless. How extra-ordinary could your life become if you did the same?”


Ways to become more focused Thrive Health & Nutrition Magazine

Sue Revell is a Personal Effectiveness Coach with a passion for combining wellbeing with wellness, so she can’t wait to launch her new Signature Coaching Programme at a new luxury Spa!

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