Plastic free periods with LUX Store Organic

lux store organic - Thrive Nutrition and Health Magazine

When it comes to your period products do you choose organic?

Many mainstream products are laiden with plastics, with chemicals and end up in landfill or in our seas! At we’re proud to offer a range of plastic free, full bio-degradable and chemical free period products.

Why choose organic when it comes to period products?

Well, 3 key reasons:

• They’re better for your health;
• They’re better for the environment
• They are part of an ethical and sustainable supply chain

Here’s why they are better for your health.
Standard market leading menstrual pads are most likely synthetic; meaning they contain the equivalent of five plastic bags worth of plastics in them. They also often contain residues of pesticides, bleaches and perfumes, all of which can serve to seriously upset your delicate hormonal balance according to the National Institutes of Health (NIH) USA.

The imbalance caused to your hormones may result in short-term issues such as acne, bloating and painful periods but also to longer-term health problems – there are studies that have found potential links between prolonged exposure to such toxins and certain types of cancers, as well as infertility issues.

Kinder to your body
So, here’s our easy alternative to this problem. Our luxuriously soft pads are made from100% organic, GMO free, hypoallergenic, ethically sourced cotton that is certified under the Global Organic Textile Standard (GOTS).Our ultrathin, flexible, super absorbent, winged pads are made from100% organic cotton that are free from pesticides, rayon, perfumes and other chemicals. Our pads are intended to be kind to your body.

Kinder to the planet
We also know you care for the environment but perhaps do not realise the impact to the planet when you dispose your synthetic pads. Synthetic pads made from plastic polymers which are not bio- degradable, so never fully breakdown. Whether they end up in a landfill or in waterways they release micro plastics which pollute our soil, oceans and drinking water.

Our eco-friendly pads, on the other hand, are bio degradable and take about a year to fully decompose, leaving behind no residue. Even our pack-aging is bio degradable – the carton is made of recycled single ply cardboard and the hygiene sheaths in which our pads are packaged are made of corn starch. This makes our products vegan too.

Kinder to our suppliers
Our raw material comes from sustainable supply chains, which ensures that workers’ rights are protected, that agrarians are supported with the right kind of contracts and that they progress and grow alongside us. We are certified by: GOTS (Global Organic TextileStandards) for our organic status and-ICEA (Istituto per la CertificazioneEtica ed Ambientale)

These organisations independently attest to our organic status, but also to an ethical supply chain and a sustainable model of farming.

In Italy, our manufacturers are subject to ad-hoc checks and training to ensure transparency in their manufacturing methods through an organisation called Certiquality. We have started sharing our products with Consultant Gynaecologists and Obstetricians on Harley Street and have found the response to be very positive and supportive.

Plastic free periods with LUX Store Organic Thrive Health & Nutrition Magazine

Choose Lux Store Organic and be kind to your body
We currently offer a Day pack and a Night pack as part of our product offering:
• Our Day pack contains 14 winged pads
• Our Night pack contains 10 extra long winged pads

At LUX Store, we offer our products through a simple subscription model which helps create a sustainable supply chain meaning our famers and manufacturers can continue to create quality organic products without any compromise.

You can also choose to purchase just one box of product at a time too, if that is more convenient.

Visit our online store to find out more:

Plastic free periods with LUX Store Organic Thrive Health & Nutrition Magazine

• FREE from chemicals
• Certified organic cotton
• Completely bio-degradable
• Free from pesticides
• Sustainable supply chain
• Recyclable packaging
• Plastic free & vegan

Instagram @LUXStoreOrganic
Twitter @LuxOrganic

Promotional feature from inside Thrive Magazine – Spring issue.