EE02 Mindset and Movement with Silver Medalist Emma Howells-Davies

emma howells davies - Thrive Nutrition and Health Magazine

This weeks guest in the #EthicalEntrepreneur Podcast is the brilliant Emma Howells-Davies, she’s an Open Karate Knockdown Champion and holds a silver medal in Full Contact Knockdown Karate. Plus she has over 20 years experience as  a behavioural change specialist supporting people to improve their lifestyle and maximise their performance.

Heads up: this episode has a little bit of echo at the beginning – but it improves at [1:45]s

What we discuss:

  • How finding your own kind of movement is key to making it a long term habit.
  • Empowerment and how acting early on a problem or issue is claiming your power over the situation.
  • How to form healthy habits and have a mental checklist to bring yourself back to a calm state of mind.
  • How a walking meeting was radicle back 10-15 years ago! Whereas now, it’s being adopted more and more.
  • How it’s become a modern day problem that we have to make a conscious choice to move.
  • Are your day-to-day behaviours matching what is important to you?



“Empowerment, is about being a lot more proactive with people, I want to act and help people before a serious problem arises, to motivate them to take action early”

“You can’t make people change, you can inspire people about change, but it’s about building their motivation and confidence, to allow them make the change they want.”

“I choose to be around people who inspire me – your network and the people you surround yourself with is really important”

“I want people to have the right knowledge on mindset and help them to act on it”

“I still think a lot of work is to be done in businesses about the importance of movement. Businesses want the research and stats, on how it afters their staff.”

It’s about making small steps and changing small behaviours to form longer term habits.

Find out more from Emma and Performance Circle:

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What does it mean to be an ethical business?

An ethical business is a business that considers the impact its actions, products and services have on the environment, people and animals. Including the origin and supply chain of it’s products or services and how they manufacture and distribute them.

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