Understanding the benefits of pine nut oil

Pine nut oil

We all know the benefits of including enough oil in your diet and there’s been much of a debate recently about which oil offers the best health benefits.

Which oil is best to cook with and which oil can be used both in cooking and as part of your beauty routine. Move over coconut, olive and canola oil and say a big welcome to pine nut oil. This delicious golden coloured oil is cold pressed from the kernels of the Siberian pine (Pinus Sibirica) trees, that grow naturally in remote and unpolluted regions of Siberia.

As these trees take many years to mature, Siberian pines are not planted commercially – every tree grows just where nature intended. Pine nuts are an excellent natural source of nutrients, vitamins, minerals, and essential fatty acids including Omega-3 and Omega-6. Pine nut oil is unique in that it is the only nut oil high in a fatty acid called pinolenic acid. Studies show that pine nut oil can help regulate appetite through activated release of ‘hunger suppressing hormones’. The nutrients in Golden Oils pine nut oil are preserved by the cold pressing and non-refined techniques used to extract the oil.

“Traditionally, Siberian pine nut oil has been used to soothe digestive inflammation, improve circulation and help to protect respiratory infections”.

The medical and scientific community are now paying more attention to the natural healing properties of pine nut oil. Scientists in Russia and elsewhere are carrying out research into some of the health benefits – so far no side effects have been reported. Scientists are now investigating how pine nut oil affects the cardiovascular system, cholesterol and blood pressure.

Many of the traditional uses of pine nut oil have yet to be tested using modern scientific methods. However, this has not stopped generations of people in Siberia from using it or giving it to their families. While this research is just beginning, the first studies are favourable; it appears that pine nut oil can definitely be added to your ‘good for you’ food shelf.

Golden Oils imports oils into the UK direct from Siberia. Their close relationship with carefully selected suppliers guarantees the quality of the oils. Golden Oils is run by Elena Rayner-Melnikova, a qualified Public Health Nutritionist, originally from Siberia.

Featured in collaboration with Golden Oils. 

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