Home Grown Herbs that could heal

Home Grown Herbs that could heal Thrive Health & Nutrition Magazine

Cleansing herbs to use as teas, tinctures, infusions and more.

Nettle has been shown to stimulate the lymph system, to boost immunity and relieve symptoms of arthritis, plus it is said to be extremely beneficial for the kidneys – being useful in expelling gravel from the bladder and dissolving kidney stones. You can brew stinging nettle leaves in almost boiling water and drink daily as a tonic.

Peppermint is considered a stomach healer that can assist with irritable bowel syndrome, nausea, stomach aches, diarrhea or constipation. Peppermint grows easily and readily in a small city garden or in a large pot. Select the healthy green leaves and brew them in hot water, strain and enjoy!

Frequently used to treat the common cold. Andrographis has been primarily studied to support immune system health, by supporting healthy levels of immune cells in the blood. Native to South Asian countries such as India and Sri Lanka and readily used in Auyervedic medicine. The leaf and underground stem are used to make tonics. Andrographis is also used as an astringent, bacteria killing agent, painkiller, fever reducer, and treatment for worms.

Parsley is the world’s most popular herb. It derives its name from the Greek word meaning ‘rock celery’. Parsley contains two types of unusual components that provide unique health benefits. The first type is volatile oil components—including myristicin, which has have been shown to inhibit tumor formation in animal studies, and particularly, tumor formation in the lungs. The second type is flavonoids—including apiin, apigenin, crisoeriol, and luteolin.

Gotu Kola
It’s a member of the parsley family that grows in India, Southeast Asia, and Africa. It thrives at the edge of calm bodies of water, spreading its venous stems. Gotu Kola has been shown to strengthen the adrenal glands and cleanse the blood to treat skin impurities. Gotu Kola has been used as a medicine in the Indian Ayurvedic tradition, and in African and Chinese medicine.

Rosemary grows on a small evergreen shrub belonging to the Labiatae family that is related to mint. Rosemary contains substances that are useful for stimulating the immune system, increasing circulation, and improving digestion. In addition, rosemary has been shown to increase the blood flow to the head and brain, improving concentration.